
Bridge Components are styled with the Bridge Theme. Each component comes with a theme prop, which defualts to the Bridge theme but may be overrided to include your own theme. This is the core of Bridge Components - you may override styles to fit your product and brand guidelines.

We follow the Styled System Theme Specification, which has a standardized set of theme keys, including colors, fonts, etc as well as specific styles for components like buttons and tags. Our components pull from these keys, which you may override in a custom theme.

Check out our full theme file.

Custom Theming

There are multiple ways to override themes.

  1. Set theme for all components in tree, even if they are multiple levels deep with styled-components theming
import { theme, Box, Text } from '@hack4impact-uiuc/bridge'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'
// theme to add "randomColor" to colors and
// override the "body" text font styling
const newTheme = {
colors: {...theme.colors, randomColor: "#fa787c"}
newTheme.typography.body = {
fontFamily: theme.fonts.main,
fontWeight: theme.fontWeights.regular,
fontSize: '14px',
letterSpacing: letterSpacings.half,
lineHeight: '20px',
const ExampleRoot = () => (
<ThemeProvider theme={newTheme}>
<Box bg="randomColor">
<Text type="body">Hello, world!</Text>

You can also merge the Bridge default theme with your custom theme using Object.assign({}, theme, yourTheme)

  1. Set theme on a component
import { theme, Box, Text } from '@hack4impact-uiuc/bridge'
// theme to add "randomColor" to colors
const newTheme = {
...theme, // this is necessary if you want to keep all other bridge styles
colors: {...theme.colors, randomColor: "#fa787c"}
const ExampleComponent = () => (
<Box bg="randomColor" theme={newTheme}>
<Text type="body">
The box surrounding me has a background of #fa787c.